History, Quality, Tradition...
Frank Rutherford and his family, natives of the Bahamas, grew up
drinking malt, a common beverage in their island home. He is a
three time Olympian and 1992 Olympic Bronze Medalist, the first
Olympic Medalist for the Bahamas. Malta helped Frank develop the
strength and energy he needed as an Olympian. Now, Frank
Rutherford and his family bring you a highly researched and
carefully developed beverage.
He and his family at E.S. Marketing Beverage Brokers, Inc., worked
closely with one of the oldest breweries in Holland to formulate
this beverage that meets the demands of malta consumers.
Rutherford has an understanding of the malt beverage business that
goes beyond the average malt producer. Because of this, he was
able to develop a drink that has all of the qualities of
traditional malta, in addition to being healthy and delicious.